New Free Taster course

Brick-by-Brick programme: New Free Taster


Try a new free taster of our Brick-by-Brick programme e-learning.

This taster course will give you a short introduction to Learning through Play, Collaborative LEGO play and set building, building together and in roles, an introduction to Playful Facilitation and some free resources to download. This will give you a flavour of our gold-standard Lego brick-based therapy training and why we are the only provider partnered with and by The Lego Foundation. 

When you go on to complete the full e-learning course, you will get access to complete modules on each of these subjects and more, plus a full pack of high-quality resources once you have completed the e-learning, for use in Brick Clubs.

If once you have completed the free taster you wish to purchase for a group or organisation rather than an individual, check our organisational offer on our website under 'Training for your whole organisation' and email us at for details of bespoke support and pricing dependent on your needs.